10 Signs You're About to Get Married

Have you suddenly gone from a carefree bachelor to a potential groom without even realizing it? It’s not uncommon. If you look around and notice some changes in your environment and behavior, chances are you're already on the brink of marriage.

Have you suddenly gone from a carefree bachelor to a potential groom without even realizing it? It’s not uncommon. If you look around and notice some changes in your environment and behavior, chances are you're already on the brink of marriage. Let's humorously explore 10 signs that the big day is just around the corner.

Your wardrobe has changed

Once, you lived in sportswear and T-shirts, but now you suddenly notice shirts and ties appearing in your closet. Your favorite old jacket has been banished to the attic, and in its place hangs a cashmere coat that’s more of a challenge to wear than a comfort. Ties multiply like rabbits in your closet; you might not know how to tie them, but that doesn’t matter – your special someone takes great joy in tightening the knot around your neck.

Your apartment is transforming

Your cozy bachelor pad is gradually turning into a space that smells of lavender and roses. Unfamiliar bottles and tubes are appearing on the bathroom shelves, and candles are taking over the nightstand. There’s barely room left for your razor and toothbrush.

The invasion of plush toys

You tried to throw out an old plush bear, but you were met with an emotional storm and a nearly hour-long discussion. Now, you stoically gaze at this fluffy monster hanging over your bed, which your partner lovingly calls “Bee-Bee.” This bee clearly despises you and always seems to turn its back on you.

Slippers and robes

In the hallway, you now find a pair of slippers shaped like mice with sparkly eyes, and in the closet – a silky robe. She used to wear your shirts, but now even this robe seems like a precursor to the warm and less sexy robes that, trust me, will soon become the norm.

Changes in language

Instead of “I,” she now uses “we.” Even when talking to a friend on the phone, she says, “We can’t go to the pool because we’re working tomorrow.” Even though only you’re working. Trying to correct this will only lead to a storm of indignation. You’ll have to get used to the new rules: “we decided,” “we thought,” “we’re planning.”

New nicknames

Your name becomes the source of inspiration for creating cute and sometimes silly nicknames. Sergey turns into Sergunchik, Sergusik, and then just Guly or Gusik. And of course, don’t forget the classic “honey bunny” and “kitty.”

Her stuff in the bathroom

Your bathroom is no longer yours. Next to your socks, you find lacy panties drying, and in the closet, there’s an impressive stockpile of tampons and pads. These supplies hint at your partner's serious intentions.

You don’t know where your things are

You used to toss your clothes on the shelf, and everything was in its place. Now everything is neatly folded, and finding your favorite T-shirt has become a challenge. Your partner will gladly help, but with a look that clearly says, “You’d be lost without me.”

Her relationship with your parents

Your parents are now “mom” and “dad,” although only behind your back for now. This sweet address is met with enthusiasm from both sides. And don’t be surprised if you have to wear the tie her mom gifted you on your next visit.

Your diet has changed

Sausages, ketchup, and mustard have disappeared from your diet. Instead, you’ve gotten used to stewed seaweed and fried green beans. And yes, you’ve heard about “cholesterol” and “calories” for the first time. Meat now only appears on special occasions, and you feel like a cannibal as you finally bite into a steak.

So, if you recognize yourself in these signs, maybe it’s time to check your passport. Who knows, maybe you're already married?

10 Signs You're About to Get Married

10 Signs You're About to Get Married

Have you suddenly gone from a carefree bachelor to a potential groom without even realizing it? It’s not uncommon. If you look around and notice some changes in your environment and behavior, chances are you're already on the brink of marriage.

Have you suddenly gone from a carefree bachelor to a potential groom without even realizing it? It’s not uncommon. If you look around and notice some changes in your environment and behavior, chances are you're already on the brink of marriage. Let's humorously explore 10 signs that the big day is just around the corner.

Your wardrobe has changed

Once, you lived in sportswear and T-shirts, but now you suddenly notice shirts and ties appearing in your closet. Your favorite old jacket has been banished to the attic, and in its place hangs a cashmere coat that’s more of a challenge to wear than a comfort. Ties multiply like rabbits in your closet; you might not know how to tie them, but that doesn’t matter – your special someone takes great joy in tightening the knot around your neck.

Your apartment is transforming

Your cozy bachelor pad is gradually turning into a space that smells of lavender and roses. Unfamiliar bottles and tubes are appearing on the bathroom shelves, and candles are taking over the nightstand. There’s barely room left for your razor and toothbrush.

The invasion of plush toys

You tried to throw out an old plush bear, but you were met with an emotional storm and a nearly hour-long discussion. Now, you stoically gaze at this fluffy monster hanging over your bed, which your partner lovingly calls “Bee-Bee.” This bee clearly despises you and always seems to turn its back on you.

Slippers and robes

In the hallway, you now find a pair of slippers shaped like mice with sparkly eyes, and in the closet – a silky robe. She used to wear your shirts, but now even this robe seems like a precursor to the warm and less sexy robes that, trust me, will soon become the norm.

Changes in language

Instead of “I,” she now uses “we.” Even when talking to a friend on the phone, she says, “We can’t go to the pool because we’re working tomorrow.” Even though only you’re working. Trying to correct this will only lead to a storm of indignation. You’ll have to get used to the new rules: “we decided,” “we thought,” “we’re planning.”

New nicknames

Your name becomes the source of inspiration for creating cute and sometimes silly nicknames. Sergey turns into Sergunchik, Sergusik, and then just Guly or Gusik. And of course, don’t forget the classic “honey bunny” and “kitty.”

Her stuff in the bathroom

Your bathroom is no longer yours. Next to your socks, you find lacy panties drying, and in the closet, there’s an impressive stockpile of tampons and pads. These supplies hint at your partner's serious intentions.

You don’t know where your things are

You used to toss your clothes on the shelf, and everything was in its place. Now everything is neatly folded, and finding your favorite T-shirt has become a challenge. Your partner will gladly help, but with a look that clearly says, “You’d be lost without me.”

Her relationship with your parents

Your parents are now “mom” and “dad,” although only behind your back for now. This sweet address is met with enthusiasm from both sides. And don’t be surprised if you have to wear the tie her mom gifted you on your next visit.

Your diet has changed

Sausages, ketchup, and mustard have disappeared from your diet. Instead, you’ve gotten used to stewed seaweed and fried green beans. And yes, you’ve heard about “cholesterol” and “calories” for the first time. Meat now only appears on special occasions, and you feel like a cannibal as you finally bite into a steak.

So, if you recognize yourself in these signs, maybe it’s time to check your passport. Who knows, maybe you're already married?


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