Dig Through Her Purse: Find Out Everything About Her!

You’re not a spy snooping through her things to learn more about her. You’re an investigator.

You’re not a spy snooping through her things to learn more about her. You’re an investigator.

Besides, she left the bathroom cabinet open on purpose. It’s quite possible she did this so you could figure everything out yourself, without any extra words or explanations.

Medications: TriRegol, Triquilar, Marvelon, Mercilon, Cilest, Diane

What could this be? These are contraceptive pills. What does this mean for you? You can have sex without a condom and enjoy all the pleasures, but these wonder pills won’t protect you from a host of sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, taking these can negatively affect her health (liver, heart, blood problems).

Medications: Exluton, Micronor, Microlut

What could this be? These are contraceptive pills with fewer side effects. What does this mean for you? It means she has an excellent memory, is meticulous, and punctual, because these pills need to be taken at the same time, with a ten-minute precision. Otherwise, they won’t work.

Medications: Nystatin, Nystatin suppositories, Levorin

What could this be? Likely vaginal candidiasis, also known as thrush. What does this mean for you? If you don’t use a condom, within a week, your member could break out in a rash and itch terribly. This can be treated, but it's not pleasant.

Medications: Betadine, Sumamed, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Rulid, Metronidazole, Dalacin creams, Penciclovir

What could this be? The combination of these medications often indicates a urogenital infection (STI) such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, or bacterial vaginosis. What does this mean for you? Abstinence or engaging in non-genital sex (oral, anal, etc.). Condoms won’t help. The microbes causing these diseases can penetrate through latex cells. Treatment can be long and not always effective.

Medications: Salmeterol, Formoterol, Intal, Tailend, Budesonide, Ingakort, Beclometasone, Diprospan, Fenoterol, Berotec

What could this be? Asthma. What does this mean for you? If you want to make her happy, don’t give her chocolate, especially with nuts. She’s likely to avoid honey and citrus fruits, and she may suffer from asthma attacks if she breathes in pollen.

Medications: Captopril, Enap, Verapamil, Nifedipine, Furosemide, Diltiazem

What could this be? Likely hypertension. What does this mean for you? This could lead to periodic disruptions in your plans due to headaches caused by stress or weather changes. If the condition progresses or isn’t treated, she could face a stroke, chronic kidney failure, or ischemic heart disease.

Medications: Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Trazodone, Doxepin

What could this be? Most likely depression. These are antidepressants. What does this mean for you? She may have a constantly bad mood, fears, and feelings of hopelessness. Sadness, tears, and melancholy will be the stars under which you’ll try to maintain the relationship.

Medications: Phenytoin, Clonazepam, Carbamazepine, Ethosuximide

What could this be? Most likely epilepsy. What does this mean for you? She may be resentful, vengeful, harsh, and moody. Be prepared for epileptic seizures: loss of consciousness, convulsions in arms and legs.

Medications: Lithium salts

What could this be? Maniac-depressive psychosis with prevailing mania. What does this mean for you? It’s a daily party. Constantly good mood, at best. At worst, she might be juggling several tasks simultaneously (none completed), bringing whimsical ideas to life, even building a perpetual motion machine.

So, your new role is an investigator! Carefully explore her purse to learn more about her life. But remember: a purse is personal space. Don’t dig too deep if you’re not ready for the consequences.

Dig Through Her Purse: Find Out Everything About Her!

Dig Through Her Purse: Find Out Everything About Her!

You’re not a spy snooping through her things to learn more about her. You’re an investigator.

You’re not a spy snooping through her things to learn more about her. You’re an investigator.

Besides, she left the bathroom cabinet open on purpose. It’s quite possible she did this so you could figure everything out yourself, without any extra words or explanations.

Medications: TriRegol, Triquilar, Marvelon, Mercilon, Cilest, Diane

What could this be? These are contraceptive pills. What does this mean for you? You can have sex without a condom and enjoy all the pleasures, but these wonder pills won’t protect you from a host of sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, taking these can negatively affect her health (liver, heart, blood problems).

Medications: Exluton, Micronor, Microlut

What could this be? These are contraceptive pills with fewer side effects. What does this mean for you? It means she has an excellent memory, is meticulous, and punctual, because these pills need to be taken at the same time, with a ten-minute precision. Otherwise, they won’t work.

Medications: Nystatin, Nystatin suppositories, Levorin

What could this be? Likely vaginal candidiasis, also known as thrush. What does this mean for you? If you don’t use a condom, within a week, your member could break out in a rash and itch terribly. This can be treated, but it's not pleasant.

Medications: Betadine, Sumamed, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Rulid, Metronidazole, Dalacin creams, Penciclovir

What could this be? The combination of these medications often indicates a urogenital infection (STI) such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, or bacterial vaginosis. What does this mean for you? Abstinence or engaging in non-genital sex (oral, anal, etc.). Condoms won’t help. The microbes causing these diseases can penetrate through latex cells. Treatment can be long and not always effective.

Medications: Salmeterol, Formoterol, Intal, Tailend, Budesonide, Ingakort, Beclometasone, Diprospan, Fenoterol, Berotec

What could this be? Asthma. What does this mean for you? If you want to make her happy, don’t give her chocolate, especially with nuts. She’s likely to avoid honey and citrus fruits, and she may suffer from asthma attacks if she breathes in pollen.

Medications: Captopril, Enap, Verapamil, Nifedipine, Furosemide, Diltiazem

What could this be? Likely hypertension. What does this mean for you? This could lead to periodic disruptions in your plans due to headaches caused by stress or weather changes. If the condition progresses or isn’t treated, she could face a stroke, chronic kidney failure, or ischemic heart disease.

Medications: Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Trazodone, Doxepin

What could this be? Most likely depression. These are antidepressants. What does this mean for you? She may have a constantly bad mood, fears, and feelings of hopelessness. Sadness, tears, and melancholy will be the stars under which you’ll try to maintain the relationship.

Medications: Phenytoin, Clonazepam, Carbamazepine, Ethosuximide

What could this be? Most likely epilepsy. What does this mean for you? She may be resentful, vengeful, harsh, and moody. Be prepared for epileptic seizures: loss of consciousness, convulsions in arms and legs.

Medications: Lithium salts

What could this be? Maniac-depressive psychosis with prevailing mania. What does this mean for you? It’s a daily party. Constantly good mood, at best. At worst, she might be juggling several tasks simultaneously (none completed), bringing whimsical ideas to life, even building a perpetual motion machine.

So, your new role is an investigator! Carefully explore her purse to learn more about her life. But remember: a purse is personal space. Don’t dig too deep if you’re not ready for the consequences.


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