If you’re tired of myths and trendy diets promising instant results, it’s time to get back to the basics. When it comes to building muscle mass, it’s important to understand that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions or magical supplements that can turn you into a professional athlete in a few weeks.
If you’re tired of myths and trendy diets promising instant results, it’s time to get back to the basics. When it comes to building muscle mass, it’s important to understand that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions or magical supplements that can turn you into a professional athlete in a few weeks. It’s all a myth and marketing tricks. In real life, it’s much simpler, but it requires patience and discipline. How long does it take to build muscle, and what really works? Let’s break it down.
The process called hypertrophy starts when you subject your muscles to tension. This can be done with resistance training, which causes micro-tears in muscle fibers. Once your muscles recover, they become stronger and larger. This is the growth process.
“When we train, we create tension that triggers a cascade of biological signals that leads to the synthesis of new muscle fibers,” explains expert Harry Cox, founder of Club Q Health.
Weight training is one of the best ways to grow muscle. The main goal is to add resistance to movements. For example, weighted pull-ups or dumbbell squats are much more effective than doing bodyweight exercises.
How many times a week should you train? In reality, for most men, training each muscle group 2-3 times a week is enough. Increasing weight at each session is the key to progress. If you’re not creating enough resistance, your muscles won’t grow.
“To create progressive overload, it’s important to increase weight at least in two of the four sets,” says fitness expert Penny Weston.
The protein question is particularly important. Yes, protein plays a key role in muscle growth, but it should be consumed optimally. The recommended amount is 1.6-2.2 g per kg of body weight. If you weigh 80 kg, you should consume 128-176 g of protein per day.
But protein isn’t the panacea. “Carbs are equally important, providing energy for intense workouts,” adds Weston.
Also, don’t forget about healthy fats, which support hormonal balance and help with muscle recovery.
Every now and then, new “trendy” workout programs pop up, but the truth is there’s nothing more effective than consistency. “Resistance training and proper nutrition are what really works,” notes Cox.
There are no quick fixes. What’s needed is a systematic approach that will yield results over time.
Is it possible to speed up the process? If you train 2-3 times a week and follow a proper diet, you’ll start seeing the first results in 6-8 weeks. Of course, it’s not a quick process, but it’s very effective.
You can speed up muscle growth only with steroids, but we’re not the ones looking for shortcuts.
Muscles grow not in the gym but during recovery. The time when you sleep and recover is a crucial part of the process. Don’t neglect rest, or you’ll end up accumulating fatigue and injuries instead of building muscle.
Sleep is when your body repairs damaged fibers and produces important hormones like testosterone. The better your sleep, the faster the recovery will occur.
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