A real man takes responsibility for his life, his decisions, and their consequences. An infantile man, on the other hand, wants to enjoy the privileges of adulthood while behaving like a child.
A real man takes responsibility for his life, his decisions, and their consequences. An infantile man, on the other hand, wants to enjoy the privileges of adulthood while behaving like a child.
A real man understands that nothing in life comes for free. He works, builds, and solves problems instead of expecting others to do it for him. An infantile man, however, believes that people around him should figure out what he wants, read between the lines, and make him happy.
Example? A man provides for his family, makes important decisions, and takes full responsibility for them. If he chooses to relocate to another country, it’s because he believes it will create a better future for his loved ones. An infantile man, on the other hand, demands that everyone moves just because he feels like living somewhere new.
Infantile men love the cinematic image of a strong hero who dictates how things should be. But in real life, power is proportional to responsibility. If you take responsibility for your family, your career, and your life, then you earn the right to make real decisions.
But if you just say, "I’m the man, so it’s my way or the highway!" without actually contributing anything, that’s not masculinity, it’s just childish demands.
Infantile men expect support but never offer it in return. They want others to write their thesis, give them money for a business, and solve their problems, yet they put in no effort themselves. They are used to taking but not giving.
This behavior is especially toxic in relationships with daughters. When the child is young, an infantile father feels jealous of the attention his wife gives to their child—because he wants to be the “baby” of the family. Later, as the daughter grows up, he starts expecting her to take care of him, because he has always relied on others for support.
A real man knows: no one will solve his problems except himself. He doesn’t look for a "daddy" to fix everything or a "mommy" to take care of him. He builds his own future and improves his life.
So, which one are you? A grown man or a big child?
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