Scientists Have Declared Beer the World's Healthiest Drink: 9 Unexpected Facts

Great news for you: beer is officially recognized as the healthiest drink! Feel free to show this article to your loved ones when you're heading out for a night at the bar with friends.

Great news for you: beer is officially recognized as the healthiest drink! Feel free to show this article to your loved ones when you're heading out for a night at the bar with friends.

Before one major study’s results even settle, more news from other researchers is already here. Here’s what they found:


According to Virginia Tech, moderate beer consumption can actually extend your life. The hops and malt in beer positively affect the heart. Beer drinkers tend to live longer than their non-beer-drinking peers. Don’t forget to mention this at family gatherings!

The Best Diet

Professor Timothy Spector from the London Royal College claims that light beer can help with weight loss. The beneficial gut bacteria in beer aid digestion. Just don’t wash them down with chips and burritos — the choice of snacks matters too.

Cancer Fight

Surprisingly, hops in beer contain the flavonoid xanthohumol, which can inhibit cancer-causing enzymes. So, beer not only delights the taste buds but also helps in fighting serious diseases.

Eternal Youth

Xanthohumol also protects the brain from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Oxford scientists recommend drinking at least half a liter of light beer a day. So now you have a health excuse to raise a glass!

Kidney Health

Recent research published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology shows that beer can almost halve the risk of kidney stones. Drink up and be glad that kidney stone prevention can be so enjoyable.

Vitamin Boost

Beer is rich in vitamins. Stefan Domening from the Austrian WHO office suggests checking the ingredients of fresh beer: it contains more vitamins than some over-the-counter supplements.

Low-Calorie Beverage

Want to know a secret? According to Guinness, beer is actually low-calorie. Even dark beers have fewer calories than orange juice. So feel free to enjoy it without guilt.

Strong Bones

Beer contains a lot of silicon, which strengthens bones better than calcium from milk. According to an article in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, this element is crucial for maintaining a strong skeleton.

Beer Belly

Finally, the beer belly is a myth. It doesn’t come from beer itself but from excessive high-calorie snacks. If you avoid greasy chips and fries, beer won’t affect your figure.

So, beer is not only tasty but also healthy! Drink responsibly and enjoy life.

Scientists Have Declared Beer the World's Healthiest Drink: 9 Unexpected Facts

Scientists Have Declared Beer the World's Healthiest Drink: 9 Unexpected Facts

Great news for you: beer is officially recognized as the healthiest drink! Feel free to show this article to your loved ones when you're heading out for a night at the bar with friends.

Great news for you: beer is officially recognized as the healthiest drink! Feel free to show this article to your loved ones when you're heading out for a night at the bar with friends.

Before one major study’s results even settle, more news from other researchers is already here. Here’s what they found:


According to Virginia Tech, moderate beer consumption can actually extend your life. The hops and malt in beer positively affect the heart. Beer drinkers tend to live longer than their non-beer-drinking peers. Don’t forget to mention this at family gatherings!

The Best Diet

Professor Timothy Spector from the London Royal College claims that light beer can help with weight loss. The beneficial gut bacteria in beer aid digestion. Just don’t wash them down with chips and burritos — the choice of snacks matters too.

Cancer Fight

Surprisingly, hops in beer contain the flavonoid xanthohumol, which can inhibit cancer-causing enzymes. So, beer not only delights the taste buds but also helps in fighting serious diseases.

Eternal Youth

Xanthohumol also protects the brain from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Oxford scientists recommend drinking at least half a liter of light beer a day. So now you have a health excuse to raise a glass!

Kidney Health

Recent research published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology shows that beer can almost halve the risk of kidney stones. Drink up and be glad that kidney stone prevention can be so enjoyable.

Vitamin Boost

Beer is rich in vitamins. Stefan Domening from the Austrian WHO office suggests checking the ingredients of fresh beer: it contains more vitamins than some over-the-counter supplements.

Low-Calorie Beverage

Want to know a secret? According to Guinness, beer is actually low-calorie. Even dark beers have fewer calories than orange juice. So feel free to enjoy it without guilt.

Strong Bones

Beer contains a lot of silicon, which strengthens bones better than calcium from milk. According to an article in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, this element is crucial for maintaining a strong skeleton.

Beer Belly

Finally, the beer belly is a myth. It doesn’t come from beer itself but from excessive high-calorie snacks. If you avoid greasy chips and fries, beer won’t affect your figure.

So, beer is not only tasty but also healthy! Drink responsibly and enjoy life.


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