Life in the Present: How Not to Miss What Matters

When the TV came into my home, I forgot how to read books. When the car arrived at my doorstep, I forgot how to walk. When I picked up a mobile phone, I forgot how to write letters. With each new convenience, I lost touch with what truly mattered.

When the TV came into my home, I forgot how to read books. When the car arrived at my doorstep, I forgot how to walk. When I picked up a mobile phone, I forgot how to write letters. With each new convenience, I lost touch with what truly mattered.

Today, we often forget the true value of things. With the advent of computers, we started to value time less. The air conditioner made us forget the feeling of a fresh breeze under a tree. We lost the scents of dirt and meadows as city life surrounded us with its noise and comfort.

We accumulate money in banks, but often don't notice how it stays there while we spend our lives chasing new achievements. A Chinese businessman who passed away left his widow $1.9 billion. She married her driver, who realized that his boss had been working for him all along, understanding the true meaning of life.

The harsh reality is that living is more important than just having wealth. Therefore, we must strive for good health and genuine happiness, not just chase material possessions. For example, 70% of functions in modern devices are useless, 70% of speed in luxury cars is rarely used, and 70% of the space in luxury homes often remains empty.

The same applies to our wardrobe: 70% of our clothes are never worn. Much of our working life and earnings are often meant for others, not ourselves. Therefore, it’s important to fully use our 30% of opportunities.

Regularly get medical check-ups, even if you're not sick. Drink more water, even if you're not thirsty. Learn to let go, even when facing difficulties. Sometimes it’s important to stay silent and accept situations, even if you're right. Remain humble despite your achievements. Learn to be content, even if you don’t have great wealth. Train your body and mind, even if you’re very busy. Make time for people who matter to you.

Live life to the fullest, value every moment, and don’t miss what truly matters in the pursuit of material gains.

Life in the Present: How Not to Miss What Matters

Life in the Present: How Not to Miss What Matters

When the TV came into my home, I forgot how to read books. When the car arrived at my doorstep, I forgot how to walk. When I picked up a mobile phone, I forgot how to write letters. With each new convenience, I lost touch with what truly mattered.

When the TV came into my home, I forgot how to read books. When the car arrived at my doorstep, I forgot how to walk. When I picked up a mobile phone, I forgot how to write letters. With each new convenience, I lost touch with what truly mattered.

Today, we often forget the true value of things. With the advent of computers, we started to value time less. The air conditioner made us forget the feeling of a fresh breeze under a tree. We lost the scents of dirt and meadows as city life surrounded us with its noise and comfort.

We accumulate money in banks, but often don't notice how it stays there while we spend our lives chasing new achievements. A Chinese businessman who passed away left his widow $1.9 billion. She married her driver, who realized that his boss had been working for him all along, understanding the true meaning of life.

The harsh reality is that living is more important than just having wealth. Therefore, we must strive for good health and genuine happiness, not just chase material possessions. For example, 70% of functions in modern devices are useless, 70% of speed in luxury cars is rarely used, and 70% of the space in luxury homes often remains empty.

The same applies to our wardrobe: 70% of our clothes are never worn. Much of our working life and earnings are often meant for others, not ourselves. Therefore, it’s important to fully use our 30% of opportunities.

Regularly get medical check-ups, even if you're not sick. Drink more water, even if you're not thirsty. Learn to let go, even when facing difficulties. Sometimes it’s important to stay silent and accept situations, even if you're right. Remain humble despite your achievements. Learn to be content, even if you don’t have great wealth. Train your body and mind, even if you’re very busy. Make time for people who matter to you.

Live life to the fullest, value every moment, and don’t miss what truly matters in the pursuit of material gains.


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