20 Simple Ways to Make Life Easier

Even if our simple tips don’t make your life as flawless as a Swiss watch, at the very least, it won’t feel like a meaningless process defined in physics as “Brownian motion”

Even if our simple tips don’t make your life as flawless as a Swiss watch, at the very least, it won’t feel like a meaningless process defined in physics as “Brownian motion”

Sleep More

Recent research from American scientists reveals that consistently missing out on eight hours of quality sleep leads to poor memory, excess weight, hypertension, and even diabetes. In other words, if you continue to rise before dawn, depriving your body of rest and recovery, you’re on your way to becoming a grumpy, neurotic mess with chronic memory issues.

Hire a Housekeeper

Turning to professionals is generally a good habit. While we were taught in school that a true man should do everything himself, it's a ridiculous notion best forgotten. If you want a clean home with no dust balls or beer bottles accumulating in the kitchen, consider hiring a housekeeper. This way, you avoid living on questionable frozen meals and fast food, and your home life becomes practically seamless.

Move in with Your Girlfriend

Regular sex isn't the only benefit of suggesting she move into your bachelor pad. You'll soon find your usually chaotic home turning into a cozy haven, and life will become a continuous celebration of cleanliness and order. Imagine, no more hunting for matching socks or scrubbing bathroom tiles yourself—she’ll take care of it all. And don’t think that your sophisticated, romantic girlfriend will shy away from these mundane tasks; studies show that women are still happy to take on household duties.

Visit the Doctor Regularly

It's well-known among Germans, English, French, and other enlightened peoples that the less you visit the doctor while young and healthy, the more nerve-wracking and costly it will be later. Unfortunately, many people believe that avoiding the clinic reduces the chance of illness. To avoid worsening this grim statistic, find a reliable doctor and get an annual check-up with specialists.

Buy a Good CD Rack

Small inconveniences often cause the most frustration. CD disks, though small, tend to fall into cracks, get lost among furniture, or disappear into dusty boxes. Investing in a proper CD rack will save you from crawling on your knees searching for your favorite music.

Use Contraceptives

An unplanned child can turn your life into a full-blown nightmare. Forget about routine and organization when woken by a hungry baby at 3 a.m., and don’t even think about managing a budget when a pack of diapers costs an arm and a leg. If you think condoms are no fun, consider other drastic measures like sterilization or temporary relocation to a nuclear reactor.

Get an Electronic Organizer

In the era of online transactions, carrying a bulky leather planner filled with essential information is absurd. Paper planners are cumbersome and pages run out, causing endless frustration. Get a compact electronic organizer with ample memory for your notes and contacts.

Back Up Important Information on Paper

Just because your electronic organizer might get stolen or break down doesn’t mean you should lose all your important information. Keep a physical backup at home with all your critical contacts. Don’t scribble on scraps of paper—transfer notes to your main organizer immediately.

Pay Bills Immediately

Ignoring a small bill, like one for 32 rubles, might lead to your phone being shut off just when you’re expecting an important call. Avoid this inconvenience by paying bills as soon as you receive them to prevent unnecessary hassles and service interruptions.

Don’t Grocery Shop When Hungry

Ever wondered why you end up with bags full of junk food instead of nutritious items? Shopping while hungry leads to impulsive purchases. Buy only what you need for dinner when hungry, and stock up on staples with a full stomach and a detailed list.

Get a Spacious Wardrobe

A well-organized wardrobe is crucial. If you often find your clothes in unexpected places, invest in a large wardrobe. This will save you from scrambling to find a clean shirt or your favorite tie before important meetings.

Regularly Maintain Your Car

While brakes and ignition might seem unnecessary to some, they’re essential. Regularly servicing your car, such as checking oil levels and changing filters, can prevent breakdowns and reduce accidents. Follow a maintenance schedule to keep your vehicle in top shape.

Keep Spare Keys Outside

Store spare house keys in a secure location outside your home, such as at the office. This will save you from calling a locksmith or climbing through a window when you inevitably lock yourself out.

Lose a Few Extra Pounds

Excess weight causes numerous issues. If you notice a growing belly from excessive beer or struggle with stairs, consider adjusting your diet. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent heart problems and make you feel more energetic.

Don’t Overindulge in Alcohol

Moderation is key. While a couple of glasses of red wine at lunch are fine, daily beers or breakfast vodka can be excessive. Monitor your alcohol consumption to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Invest in Quality Home Appliances

Though it’s tempting to spend money on more exciting items, investing in quality home appliances like a vacuum cleaner or dishwasher can save time and reduce daily chores. This investment will make maintaining cleanliness in your home much easier.

Declutter Regularly

Don’t hold onto unnecessary items. If you’re not using something, get rid of it. Regularly clear out old packaging, empty bottles, and clothes you no longer wear to avoid clutter and maintain a more organized living space.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean

A clean bathroom reflects well on you. Even if no one else sees it, maintain a spotless bathroom to avoid unpleasant odors and grime. It’s a mark of an organized and self-respecting individual.

Avoid Getting Pets

If your loved one wants to gift you a pet, find a diplomatic way to decline unless you're planning a long-term commitment together. Pets often lead to more responsibilities and can signal a step towards a more serious relationship.

Try Living Without Material Excess

Sometimes, having too much stuff can be overwhelming. Try temporarily giving up your material possessions to see if it brings clarity. If you find yourself happier and more focused, it might be a sign to simplify your life further.

20 Simple Ways to Make Life Easier

20 Simple Ways to Make Life Easier

Even if our simple tips don’t make your life as flawless as a Swiss watch, at the very least, it won’t feel like a meaningless process defined in physics as “Brownian motion”

Even if our simple tips don’t make your life as flawless as a Swiss watch, at the very least, it won’t feel like a meaningless process defined in physics as “Brownian motion”

Sleep More

Recent research from American scientists reveals that consistently missing out on eight hours of quality sleep leads to poor memory, excess weight, hypertension, and even diabetes. In other words, if you continue to rise before dawn, depriving your body of rest and recovery, you’re on your way to becoming a grumpy, neurotic mess with chronic memory issues.

Hire a Housekeeper

Turning to professionals is generally a good habit. While we were taught in school that a true man should do everything himself, it's a ridiculous notion best forgotten. If you want a clean home with no dust balls or beer bottles accumulating in the kitchen, consider hiring a housekeeper. This way, you avoid living on questionable frozen meals and fast food, and your home life becomes practically seamless.

Move in with Your Girlfriend

Regular sex isn't the only benefit of suggesting she move into your bachelor pad. You'll soon find your usually chaotic home turning into a cozy haven, and life will become a continuous celebration of cleanliness and order. Imagine, no more hunting for matching socks or scrubbing bathroom tiles yourself—she’ll take care of it all. And don’t think that your sophisticated, romantic girlfriend will shy away from these mundane tasks; studies show that women are still happy to take on household duties.

Visit the Doctor Regularly

It's well-known among Germans, English, French, and other enlightened peoples that the less you visit the doctor while young and healthy, the more nerve-wracking and costly it will be later. Unfortunately, many people believe that avoiding the clinic reduces the chance of illness. To avoid worsening this grim statistic, find a reliable doctor and get an annual check-up with specialists.

Buy a Good CD Rack

Small inconveniences often cause the most frustration. CD disks, though small, tend to fall into cracks, get lost among furniture, or disappear into dusty boxes. Investing in a proper CD rack will save you from crawling on your knees searching for your favorite music.

Use Contraceptives

An unplanned child can turn your life into a full-blown nightmare. Forget about routine and organization when woken by a hungry baby at 3 a.m., and don’t even think about managing a budget when a pack of diapers costs an arm and a leg. If you think condoms are no fun, consider other drastic measures like sterilization or temporary relocation to a nuclear reactor.

Get an Electronic Organizer

In the era of online transactions, carrying a bulky leather planner filled with essential information is absurd. Paper planners are cumbersome and pages run out, causing endless frustration. Get a compact electronic organizer with ample memory for your notes and contacts.

Back Up Important Information on Paper

Just because your electronic organizer might get stolen or break down doesn’t mean you should lose all your important information. Keep a physical backup at home with all your critical contacts. Don’t scribble on scraps of paper—transfer notes to your main organizer immediately.

Pay Bills Immediately

Ignoring a small bill, like one for 32 rubles, might lead to your phone being shut off just when you’re expecting an important call. Avoid this inconvenience by paying bills as soon as you receive them to prevent unnecessary hassles and service interruptions.

Don’t Grocery Shop When Hungry

Ever wondered why you end up with bags full of junk food instead of nutritious items? Shopping while hungry leads to impulsive purchases. Buy only what you need for dinner when hungry, and stock up on staples with a full stomach and a detailed list.

Get a Spacious Wardrobe

A well-organized wardrobe is crucial. If you often find your clothes in unexpected places, invest in a large wardrobe. This will save you from scrambling to find a clean shirt or your favorite tie before important meetings.

Regularly Maintain Your Car

While brakes and ignition might seem unnecessary to some, they’re essential. Regularly servicing your car, such as checking oil levels and changing filters, can prevent breakdowns and reduce accidents. Follow a maintenance schedule to keep your vehicle in top shape.

Keep Spare Keys Outside

Store spare house keys in a secure location outside your home, such as at the office. This will save you from calling a locksmith or climbing through a window when you inevitably lock yourself out.

Lose a Few Extra Pounds

Excess weight causes numerous issues. If you notice a growing belly from excessive beer or struggle with stairs, consider adjusting your diet. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent heart problems and make you feel more energetic.

Don’t Overindulge in Alcohol

Moderation is key. While a couple of glasses of red wine at lunch are fine, daily beers or breakfast vodka can be excessive. Monitor your alcohol consumption to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Invest in Quality Home Appliances

Though it’s tempting to spend money on more exciting items, investing in quality home appliances like a vacuum cleaner or dishwasher can save time and reduce daily chores. This investment will make maintaining cleanliness in your home much easier.

Declutter Regularly

Don’t hold onto unnecessary items. If you’re not using something, get rid of it. Regularly clear out old packaging, empty bottles, and clothes you no longer wear to avoid clutter and maintain a more organized living space.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean

A clean bathroom reflects well on you. Even if no one else sees it, maintain a spotless bathroom to avoid unpleasant odors and grime. It’s a mark of an organized and self-respecting individual.

Avoid Getting Pets

If your loved one wants to gift you a pet, find a diplomatic way to decline unless you're planning a long-term commitment together. Pets often lead to more responsibilities and can signal a step towards a more serious relationship.

Try Living Without Material Excess

Sometimes, having too much stuff can be overwhelming. Try temporarily giving up your material possessions to see if it brings clarity. If you find yourself happier and more focused, it might be a sign to simplify your life further.


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