How Not to Crash into Illusions: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

Starting your own business is like embarking on an exciting but challenging journey. Even though times have changed and today's entrepreneur has more opportunities thanks to the internet, old mistakes are still with us, especially those that accompany young and ambitious entrepreneurs.

Starting your own business is like embarking on an exciting but challenging journey. Even though times have changed and today's entrepreneur has more opportunities thanks to the internet, old mistakes are still with us, especially those that accompany young and ambitious entrepreneurs. So, what should you pay attention to in order to avoid crashing into illusions?

Mistake 1: Blindly Following the Market

"A huge market means huge opportunities," thinks the young entrepreneur, counting on a slice of the pie. But how often do we forget that in reality, this pie may be too inflated. Focusing only on numbers without considering competition and the real potential of the product can lead to disappointment.

The market may be big, but that doesn't guarantee success. It's important to adequately assess your product, its strengths and weaknesses, and understand how you will outperform your competitors. Without this, even one percent of the market may remain an unattainable dream.

Mistake 2: Wanting to Always Be the Key Specialist

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is wanting to remain an expert in their field while also managing the business. At some point, you'll have to admit that you can't be both a developer and a manager simultaneously. It's important to be able to step away from technical tasks and trust them to your team, focusing instead on strategic issues and business development.

Mistake 3: The Self-Selling Product

Do you believe in the myth that a good product will sell itself? Wrong. Even the best product needs proper marketing. It's important to understand that success requires not only a good product but also smart promotion. Neglecting marketing is a sure way to failure.

Mistake 4: "Others Will Sell It"

Many beginners think that their job is to create the product, while the salespeople will handle the selling. But in reality, large clients want to know who they will be working with, and you will have to be involved in sales personally. Clients need to see the person they will be dealing with and understand that this is not just a project for a few months but a long-term partnership.

Mistake 5: The Company is a Family

Creating a strong team is important, but don't confuse it with family. In business, it's important to follow agreements and not become a nanny for employees. If someone is not performing, you need to know when to part ways. And don't hire friends and relatives; this almost always leads to problems.

Mistake 6: Micromanagement

Trying to control everything and handle every little issue is a sure way to burnout. Trust your team and learn to delegate tasks. Micromanagement will only harm both you and the business.

Mistake 7: Trust Without Documents

In business, trust is good, but documented agreements are better. Without clear agreements, conflicts and misunderstandings can arise, especially when it comes to partnerships. It's important to discuss all terms upfront and document them to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Mistake 8: Illusions About Investors

"Smart money" is a nice phrase, but in reality, it doesn't always live up to the promise. Investors can promise a lot, but when it comes to real commitments, many prefer to disappear. It's important to understand that an investor can help, but don't rely on their promises without clear agreements and an understanding that they are sharing in the risks.

Business is not just about opportunities, it's also about risks. Success comes to those who can learn from their mistakes and draw conclusions. While it's impossible to avoid all mistakes, it's important not to let any of them be fatal for your business.

How Not to Crash into Illusions: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

How Not to Crash into Illusions: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

Starting your own business is like embarking on an exciting but challenging journey. Even though times have changed and today's entrepreneur has more opportunities thanks to the internet, old mistakes are still with us, especially those that accompany young and ambitious entrepreneurs.

Starting your own business is like embarking on an exciting but challenging journey. Even though times have changed and today's entrepreneur has more opportunities thanks to the internet, old mistakes are still with us, especially those that accompany young and ambitious entrepreneurs. So, what should you pay attention to in order to avoid crashing into illusions?

Mistake 1: Blindly Following the Market

"A huge market means huge opportunities," thinks the young entrepreneur, counting on a slice of the pie. But how often do we forget that in reality, this pie may be too inflated. Focusing only on numbers without considering competition and the real potential of the product can lead to disappointment.

The market may be big, but that doesn't guarantee success. It's important to adequately assess your product, its strengths and weaknesses, and understand how you will outperform your competitors. Without this, even one percent of the market may remain an unattainable dream.

Mistake 2: Wanting to Always Be the Key Specialist

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is wanting to remain an expert in their field while also managing the business. At some point, you'll have to admit that you can't be both a developer and a manager simultaneously. It's important to be able to step away from technical tasks and trust them to your team, focusing instead on strategic issues and business development.

Mistake 3: The Self-Selling Product

Do you believe in the myth that a good product will sell itself? Wrong. Even the best product needs proper marketing. It's important to understand that success requires not only a good product but also smart promotion. Neglecting marketing is a sure way to failure.

Mistake 4: "Others Will Sell It"

Many beginners think that their job is to create the product, while the salespeople will handle the selling. But in reality, large clients want to know who they will be working with, and you will have to be involved in sales personally. Clients need to see the person they will be dealing with and understand that this is not just a project for a few months but a long-term partnership.

Mistake 5: The Company is a Family

Creating a strong team is important, but don't confuse it with family. In business, it's important to follow agreements and not become a nanny for employees. If someone is not performing, you need to know when to part ways. And don't hire friends and relatives; this almost always leads to problems.

Mistake 6: Micromanagement

Trying to control everything and handle every little issue is a sure way to burnout. Trust your team and learn to delegate tasks. Micromanagement will only harm both you and the business.

Mistake 7: Trust Without Documents

In business, trust is good, but documented agreements are better. Without clear agreements, conflicts and misunderstandings can arise, especially when it comes to partnerships. It's important to discuss all terms upfront and document them to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Mistake 8: Illusions About Investors

"Smart money" is a nice phrase, but in reality, it doesn't always live up to the promise. Investors can promise a lot, but when it comes to real commitments, many prefer to disappear. It's important to understand that an investor can help, but don't rely on their promises without clear agreements and an understanding that they are sharing in the risks.

Business is not just about opportunities, it's also about risks. Success comes to those who can learn from their mistakes and draw conclusions. While it's impossible to avoid all mistakes, it's important not to let any of them be fatal for your business.


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