10 Phenomena That Should Exist, But No One Has Ever Seen

In this world, there are things and phenomena that everyone has heard of, but very few have actually seen with their own eyes.

In this world, there are things and phenomena that everyone has heard of, but very few have actually seen with their own eyes. Maybe these phenomena truly exist, or perhaps they are just myths and rumors shared among people. Here are ten such mysterious phenomena that theoretically should exist, but no one has ever seen.


How often do you see news reports citing survey results that show a certain percentage of people holding a particular opinion? But have you ever participated in one of these surveys? Or do you know anyone who has? It seems that these surveys are conducted in a parallel universe inaccessible to ordinary people.

Pigeon Chicks

Pigeons can be found in every city, swarming everywhere, yet who has ever seen pigeon chicks? Despite their ubiquitous presence, the young generation of pigeons seems to remain hidden from view, as if they are produced in a secret factory rather than raised naturally.

Honest Elections

In an ideal world, elections should exist where everything is fair, without manipulation and fraud. Unfortunately, reality shows that there is always someone convinced that the elections were not honest. Truly honest elections remain one of those phenomena that no one has ever seen.

Easy, Interesting, and Well-Paid Work Sometimes you see stories on social media about people who have found the perfect job that brings joy and pays well. But when you ask friends or acquaintances about such an opportunity, it quickly becomes clear that it is extremely rare. Maybe these jobs exist, but their holders are carefully hiding their happiness.

Shampoo That Doesn’t Sting the Eyes

Since childhood, we've been promised that shampoo “doesn't sting the eyes,” especially when it’s made for kids. But in practice, it seems even the “gentlest” shampoos burn the eyes, as if they were made for the toughest people. The ideal, tear-free shampoo is another phenomenon that people can only dream of.


Where No One Annoys the Other On the internet, you can see happy couples who supposedly never argue and live in perfect harmony. But in the real world, even the most loving people sometimes argue and don't always see eye to eye. Maybe there are couples who never fight, but such relationships seem more like a myth.

People Who Have Been Helped by Personal Development

Courses In recent years, personal development courses have become a real boom. They promise to unlock your potential, boost self-confidence, and bring financial success. Yet, finding people who have truly achieved all this thanks to these courses is nearly impossible. Maybe they exist, but it's more of an exception than the rule.

Former Drug Addicts

There are rehabilitation programs for drug addicts, and many are said to have successfully completed this journey. However, in practice, you rarely meet people who can confirm that they have fully overcome addiction. Perhaps former addicts prefer not to publicize their past and choose to remain in the shadows.


There are countless stories and reports of encounters with aliens. The universe is too vast for us to be alone. Yet, despite numerous claims, no one has provided convincing evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. They may exist, but so far, they remain out of sight.

People Who Return Lost Wallets to the Police

Theoretically, there are honest people who find lost wallets and immediately take them to the police or lost-and-found. In practice, however, most wallets with cash disappear without a trace. Such righteous citizens probably exist, but they are extremely rare.

These ten phenomena seem so obvious that we take them for granted. In reality, however, they remain somewhere between reality and fantasy until someone provides real evidence of their existence.

10 Phenomena That Should Exist, But No One Has Ever Seen

10 Phenomena That Should Exist, But No One Has Ever Seen

In this world, there are things and phenomena that everyone has heard of, but very few have actually seen with their own eyes.

In this world, there are things and phenomena that everyone has heard of, but very few have actually seen with their own eyes. Maybe these phenomena truly exist, or perhaps they are just myths and rumors shared among people. Here are ten such mysterious phenomena that theoretically should exist, but no one has ever seen.


How often do you see news reports citing survey results that show a certain percentage of people holding a particular opinion? But have you ever participated in one of these surveys? Or do you know anyone who has? It seems that these surveys are conducted in a parallel universe inaccessible to ordinary people.

Pigeon Chicks

Pigeons can be found in every city, swarming everywhere, yet who has ever seen pigeon chicks? Despite their ubiquitous presence, the young generation of pigeons seems to remain hidden from view, as if they are produced in a secret factory rather than raised naturally.

Honest Elections

In an ideal world, elections should exist where everything is fair, without manipulation and fraud. Unfortunately, reality shows that there is always someone convinced that the elections were not honest. Truly honest elections remain one of those phenomena that no one has ever seen.

Easy, Interesting, and Well-Paid Work Sometimes you see stories on social media about people who have found the perfect job that brings joy and pays well. But when you ask friends or acquaintances about such an opportunity, it quickly becomes clear that it is extremely rare. Maybe these jobs exist, but their holders are carefully hiding their happiness.

Shampoo That Doesn’t Sting the Eyes

Since childhood, we've been promised that shampoo “doesn't sting the eyes,” especially when it’s made for kids. But in practice, it seems even the “gentlest” shampoos burn the eyes, as if they were made for the toughest people. The ideal, tear-free shampoo is another phenomenon that people can only dream of.


Where No One Annoys the Other On the internet, you can see happy couples who supposedly never argue and live in perfect harmony. But in the real world, even the most loving people sometimes argue and don't always see eye to eye. Maybe there are couples who never fight, but such relationships seem more like a myth.

People Who Have Been Helped by Personal Development

Courses In recent years, personal development courses have become a real boom. They promise to unlock your potential, boost self-confidence, and bring financial success. Yet, finding people who have truly achieved all this thanks to these courses is nearly impossible. Maybe they exist, but it's more of an exception than the rule.

Former Drug Addicts

There are rehabilitation programs for drug addicts, and many are said to have successfully completed this journey. However, in practice, you rarely meet people who can confirm that they have fully overcome addiction. Perhaps former addicts prefer not to publicize their past and choose to remain in the shadows.


There are countless stories and reports of encounters with aliens. The universe is too vast for us to be alone. Yet, despite numerous claims, no one has provided convincing evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. They may exist, but so far, they remain out of sight.

People Who Return Lost Wallets to the Police

Theoretically, there are honest people who find lost wallets and immediately take them to the police or lost-and-found. In practice, however, most wallets with cash disappear without a trace. Such righteous citizens probably exist, but they are extremely rare.

These ten phenomena seem so obvious that we take them for granted. In reality, however, they remain somewhere between reality and fantasy until someone provides real evidence of their existence.


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