10 Unexpected Revelations After a Summer Detox

Once I gave up alcohol, it became clear who’s genuinely interesting to talk to and who’s just a drinking companion. Conversations with friends, who used to get lost in the darkness of the night, now opened up in new ways. Even sober, I found plenty of fascinating topics and people.

Friends or Just Drinking Buddies?

Once I gave up alcohol, it became clear who’s genuinely interesting to talk to and who’s just a drinking companion. Conversations with friends, who used to get lost in the darkness of the night, now opened up in new ways. Even sober, I found plenty of fascinating topics and people.

Bartenders Now Hate Me

This was a shock. Half the bars in town now see me as "that weird guy who comes on Friday night and just drinks coffee." Bartenders clearly view me as either a former alcoholic trying to hide or a compliance officer. The bar atmosphere now feels more like a battleground.

Cats Became My Friends

My old habit of petting street cats took on a new meaning. Without the alcohol smell and with smoother movements, I became a true magnet for street felines. I can now proudly say that I’m the official "cat friend," and they love me more than ever.

Coffee Addiction Reached New Heights

Switching from alcohol to coffee turned out to be more serious than I expected. I started replacing booze with coffee, then with energy drinks. I realized that addiction isn’t just about substances but about dependency itself.

Goodbye Extra Weight!

After a few months without alcohol and with a new diet (no eating after 6 PM), I lost 8 kilograms. Interestingly, the first two months showed no change, but August turned out to be a month of transformation. Either it’s real weight loss or some parasites that infected me.

Increased Anxiety

Giving up evening relaxation and shifting to caffeine activities made me more anxious. My nerves were on edge, but paradoxically, I became less irritable. Without alcohol, my nerves started working properly, adding stress but reducing aggression.

Exercise Became My Antidepressant

With rising anxiety and no alcohol, I found solace in physical activity. Exercise became a necessity. Now, if I miss a workout, I feel like a cornered beast. This dependency is thankfully more beneficial.

Alcohol Smells Became Disgusting

Surprisingly, my perception of alcohol smells changed drastically. I used to enjoy the aroma of whiskey, but now it smells like industrial solvent. IPA tastes like bitter old-fashioned liquor, and the smell of lightly hopped ale now seems powerful and honeyed. I can only guess that an empty stomach makes smells more intense.

Sobriety Is Not a Magic Bullet

Giving up alcohol doesn’t make life better or worse. It just brings new challenges and changes. Sobriety doesn’t turn life into a fairy tale, so don’t expect miracles and don’t idealize it.

Will I Start Drinking Again?

Yes, but not immediately.

As soon as I finish writing this text.

10 Unexpected Revelations After a Summer Detox

10 Unexpected Revelations After a Summer Detox

Once I gave up alcohol, it became clear who’s genuinely interesting to talk to and who’s just a drinking companion. Conversations with friends, who used to get lost in the darkness of the night, now opened up in new ways. Even sober, I found plenty of fascinating topics and people.

Friends or Just Drinking Buddies?

Once I gave up alcohol, it became clear who’s genuinely interesting to talk to and who’s just a drinking companion. Conversations with friends, who used to get lost in the darkness of the night, now opened up in new ways. Even sober, I found plenty of fascinating topics and people.

Bartenders Now Hate Me

This was a shock. Half the bars in town now see me as "that weird guy who comes on Friday night and just drinks coffee." Bartenders clearly view me as either a former alcoholic trying to hide or a compliance officer. The bar atmosphere now feels more like a battleground.

Cats Became My Friends

My old habit of petting street cats took on a new meaning. Without the alcohol smell and with smoother movements, I became a true magnet for street felines. I can now proudly say that I’m the official "cat friend," and they love me more than ever.

Coffee Addiction Reached New Heights

Switching from alcohol to coffee turned out to be more serious than I expected. I started replacing booze with coffee, then with energy drinks. I realized that addiction isn’t just about substances but about dependency itself.

Goodbye Extra Weight!

After a few months without alcohol and with a new diet (no eating after 6 PM), I lost 8 kilograms. Interestingly, the first two months showed no change, but August turned out to be a month of transformation. Either it’s real weight loss or some parasites that infected me.

Increased Anxiety

Giving up evening relaxation and shifting to caffeine activities made me more anxious. My nerves were on edge, but paradoxically, I became less irritable. Without alcohol, my nerves started working properly, adding stress but reducing aggression.

Exercise Became My Antidepressant

With rising anxiety and no alcohol, I found solace in physical activity. Exercise became a necessity. Now, if I miss a workout, I feel like a cornered beast. This dependency is thankfully more beneficial.

Alcohol Smells Became Disgusting

Surprisingly, my perception of alcohol smells changed drastically. I used to enjoy the aroma of whiskey, but now it smells like industrial solvent. IPA tastes like bitter old-fashioned liquor, and the smell of lightly hopped ale now seems powerful and honeyed. I can only guess that an empty stomach makes smells more intense.

Sobriety Is Not a Magic Bullet

Giving up alcohol doesn’t make life better or worse. It just brings new challenges and changes. Sobriety doesn’t turn life into a fairy tale, so don’t expect miracles and don’t idealize it.

Will I Start Drinking Again?

Yes, but not immediately.

As soon as I finish writing this text.


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