Always at Your Best: Let’s Talk About Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can bring even the strongest man to depression and seriously impact family relationships. Despite this, many men prefer to suffer in silence, which is not the best approach. Modern medicine, though not offering universal solutions, is ready to help.

Erectile dysfunction can bring even the strongest man to depression and seriously impact family relationships. Despite this, many men prefer to suffer in silence, which is not the best approach. Modern medicine, though not offering universal solutions, is ready to help.

A Common Problem

When discussing sexual failures in men, terms like "impotence" are often used. However, this is not entirely accurate. Doctors define impotence as the complete inability to perform sexual intercourse, which is rare. More common are issues with erection, known as erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is more widespread than we tend to think. Research shows that in countries like England, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, and Spain, up to 39% of men suffer from this disorder. The situation in our country is no better and possibly worse, as domestic medicine has only recently started paying attention to this issue.

A slight decrease in potency with age is considered normal. However, individual reactions vary greatly: some accept this philosophically, while others see each incident as a personal disaster.

What Causes It

The mechanism of erection depends on many factors, and any disruption can indicate overall health problems. Healthy, athletic men are less likely to face sexual issues, while chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular ones, can cause significant difficulties.

However, erection depends not only on physical health but also on mental well-being. Even young and active men are not immune to these problems.

Causes of erectile dysfunction can be divided into two main groups. The first includes psychological disorders, which were once considered the primary cause. Modern doctors increasingly find organic disorders, such as vascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and hormonal imbalances.

Which occurs more frequently is hard to say. Doctors agree that psychological problems will eventually emerge and can become the main issue after addressing the primary cause. Men often fall into a vicious cycle where even a random failure triggers fear and anticipation of further failures, exacerbating the condition.

The First Step in the Battle

Understanding the root causes of the problem is only possible with a specialist. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a doctor, especially if erectile dysfunction is persistent and worsening. It is best to do this without delay. Early consultation can provide better opportunities for treatment, while prolonged concealment can lead to a loss of self-esteem and deteriorate relationships with loved ones.

Many men find it challenging to take the first step and visit a clinic, fearing it signifies personal failure. They often justify their failures with various excuses or buy widely advertised supplements, which are usually ineffective.

Low potency can be an early sign of serious health problems. In some cases, diagnosing the cause of erectile dysfunction helps detect the early stages of diabetes or other hidden conditions.


Many men believe that nothing can be done about erectile dysfunction, but it can be successfully treated. The most effective approach is a comprehensive one. Initial steps involve thorough diagnostics, including doctor consultations, ultrasounds, hormone level tests, and screening for sexually transmitted infections. Physiotherapy, including massage, electrophoresis, leech therapy, and acupuncture, can be beneficial.

Previously, treatment often included injections, but now newer medications like Viagra and Cialis are available in tablet form. They do not provide a permanent solution but help overcome the psychological barrier. Addressing the underlying causes can significantly improve sexual health and overall quality of life.

Always at Your Best: Let’s Talk About Erectile Dysfunction

Always at Your Best: Let’s Talk About Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can bring even the strongest man to depression and seriously impact family relationships. Despite this, many men prefer to suffer in silence, which is not the best approach. Modern medicine, though not offering universal solutions, is ready to help.

Erectile dysfunction can bring even the strongest man to depression and seriously impact family relationships. Despite this, many men prefer to suffer in silence, which is not the best approach. Modern medicine, though not offering universal solutions, is ready to help.

A Common Problem

When discussing sexual failures in men, terms like "impotence" are often used. However, this is not entirely accurate. Doctors define impotence as the complete inability to perform sexual intercourse, which is rare. More common are issues with erection, known as erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is more widespread than we tend to think. Research shows that in countries like England, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, and Spain, up to 39% of men suffer from this disorder. The situation in our country is no better and possibly worse, as domestic medicine has only recently started paying attention to this issue.

A slight decrease in potency with age is considered normal. However, individual reactions vary greatly: some accept this philosophically, while others see each incident as a personal disaster.

What Causes It

The mechanism of erection depends on many factors, and any disruption can indicate overall health problems. Healthy, athletic men are less likely to face sexual issues, while chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular ones, can cause significant difficulties.

However, erection depends not only on physical health but also on mental well-being. Even young and active men are not immune to these problems.

Causes of erectile dysfunction can be divided into two main groups. The first includes psychological disorders, which were once considered the primary cause. Modern doctors increasingly find organic disorders, such as vascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and hormonal imbalances.

Which occurs more frequently is hard to say. Doctors agree that psychological problems will eventually emerge and can become the main issue after addressing the primary cause. Men often fall into a vicious cycle where even a random failure triggers fear and anticipation of further failures, exacerbating the condition.

The First Step in the Battle

Understanding the root causes of the problem is only possible with a specialist. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a doctor, especially if erectile dysfunction is persistent and worsening. It is best to do this without delay. Early consultation can provide better opportunities for treatment, while prolonged concealment can lead to a loss of self-esteem and deteriorate relationships with loved ones.

Many men find it challenging to take the first step and visit a clinic, fearing it signifies personal failure. They often justify their failures with various excuses or buy widely advertised supplements, which are usually ineffective.

Low potency can be an early sign of serious health problems. In some cases, diagnosing the cause of erectile dysfunction helps detect the early stages of diabetes or other hidden conditions.


Many men believe that nothing can be done about erectile dysfunction, but it can be successfully treated. The most effective approach is a comprehensive one. Initial steps involve thorough diagnostics, including doctor consultations, ultrasounds, hormone level tests, and screening for sexually transmitted infections. Physiotherapy, including massage, electrophoresis, leech therapy, and acupuncture, can be beneficial.

Previously, treatment often included injections, but now newer medications like Viagra and Cialis are available in tablet form. They do not provide a permanent solution but help overcome the psychological barrier. Addressing the underlying causes can significantly improve sexual health and overall quality of life.


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