Scientists Find Way to Have Erotic Dreams More Often

Erotic dreams can be even better than porn because you’re an active participant! So, they’re definitely one of the best gifts from your unconscious mind. Plus, you usually wake up feeling great after such dreams, so they’re quite beneficial.

Erotic dreams can be even better than porn because you’re an active participant! So, they’re definitely one of the best gifts from your unconscious mind. Plus, you usually wake up feeling great after such dreams, so they’re quite beneficial.

Now, it turns out there’s a way to see these dreams more often. According to a study published in the journal Dreams, people who sleep on their stomachs have a much higher chance of having erotic dreams.

The study, involving 670 students from Hong Kong, found that 72% sleep on their sides, 23% on their backs, and only 5% on their stomachs. And this small percentage reported having erotic dreams with impressive regularity.

Scientists haven’t reached a consensus on why this happens. Some suggest it’s due to increased blood flow to the genital area. Others think that in this position, the lungs are compressed, leading to a form of mild asphyxiation that might trigger sexual fantasies. Either way, it seems to work!

However, scientists advise against overdoing it, as constant stomach sleeping can be harmful to your spine.

But if you can also learn to control your dreams, maybe you’ll turn that recurring nightmare of taking a math exam in your underwear into something more erotic!

Scientists Find Way to Have Erotic Dreams More Often

Scientists Find Way to Have Erotic Dreams More Often

Erotic dreams can be even better than porn because you’re an active participant! So, they’re definitely one of the best gifts from your unconscious mind. Plus, you usually wake up feeling great after such dreams, so they’re quite beneficial.

Erotic dreams can be even better than porn because you’re an active participant! So, they’re definitely one of the best gifts from your unconscious mind. Plus, you usually wake up feeling great after such dreams, so they’re quite beneficial.

Now, it turns out there’s a way to see these dreams more often. According to a study published in the journal Dreams, people who sleep on their stomachs have a much higher chance of having erotic dreams.

The study, involving 670 students from Hong Kong, found that 72% sleep on their sides, 23% on their backs, and only 5% on their stomachs. And this small percentage reported having erotic dreams with impressive regularity.

Scientists haven’t reached a consensus on why this happens. Some suggest it’s due to increased blood flow to the genital area. Others think that in this position, the lungs are compressed, leading to a form of mild asphyxiation that might trigger sexual fantasies. Either way, it seems to work!

However, scientists advise against overdoing it, as constant stomach sleeping can be harmful to your spine.

But if you can also learn to control your dreams, maybe you’ll turn that recurring nightmare of taking a math exam in your underwear into something more erotic!


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